With over 30 years of direct energy-related experience Andrew Holden continues to effectively innovate in the development of energy solutions: saving energy by implementing efficiency measures, buying energy more cost-effectively, and incorporating relevant sustainability goals.
Most recently as the Energy Manager of a large urban university (and its related teaching hospital) in Philadelphia he helped accomplish real improvements, resulting in massive cost savings and related operational and resiliency advancements. At the same time he helped establish goals around sustainability which were incorporated into an updated climate action plan.
Prior to that position Holden was employed as a Principal Energy Engineer and the VP of Engineering for a next-generation Energy Services Company (ESCO). At that company he was responsible for setting the direction for technical innovation, and designing many of the automated data entry and analysis tools that were used by auditors and engineers to produce outstanding proposals and projects.
Holden’s career has spanned working for some of the largest ESCOs, work as an independent energy consultant, work for federal and state clients (both directly and indirectly) – the list is quite extensive!
The types of projects that Holden has developed and analyzed include the following:
> Chiller and boiler plant modifications and optimizations
> Air handler optimizations through advanced automation strategies
> Analysis and implementation of automated fault diagnosis and detection (AFDD) plus automated and intelligent retro-commissioning (AIR-Cx)
> Air handler testing and diagnosis to reduce energy waste
> Advanced metering, AMR, design and implementation of automated data processing and analysis tools
> Combined heat and power - analysis levels from back-of-the-envelope all the way up to advanced 8760 hour investment grade computations
> District energy evaluations, analysis and master planning
> Waste heat recovery from available sources such as exhaust air and other energy streams
> Laboratory fume hood controls including real-time monitoring systems (like Aircuity)
> Sustainability consulting including RECs, carbon offsets, renewable energy, PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements)
> Plus water projects, lighting and lighting control improvements, motor and VFD system upgrades, pump reconfigurations, plug load controls, swimming pool energy improvements, and a myriad other opportunities that can often be leveraged to improve facilities
Let us know how we might help you! There is no fee or obligation for an initial chat via email, or by phone 1-610-212-3466. Please use the contact link below, thank you.